Monday, July 11, 2016

Our Trip to Europe

Jonathan and I are lucky enough that we got to be in Europe together once already while we were dating. He studied abroad in Bergamo, Italy, for a month one summer, and my summer plans to work at school fell through, so my parents were gracious enough to send me to Rome for a month to stay with my aunt -- and my aunt was gracious enough to host me! :)

I visited Jonathan in Bergamo during that time, and at the end of his study abroad, he spent a few days in Rome meeting family and seeing the city. It was a sweet trip that I now nostalgically remember and think wow, we were only 9 months into our relationship. It's been a sweet adventure ever since.

Fast forward to now, and we were so excited to return to Europe almost four years into marriage. His sister, brother-in-law and our nephew are living abroad for work for one year. While they're away, we're watching their dog/our dog nephew, so in return they gifted us a trip to visit them this summer! We knew we would be ending our trip in Dublin (formerly Amsterdam when they were living there -- last-minute travel changes!). From there, we knew we wanted to visit Italy to see some of my family and at least a city that one or both of us had never seen. I had spent one day in Florence last time I was in Italy, and I always dreamed of returning for a proper visit. We added Florence to the itinerary and then went back and forth on what our third city would be. We played around with somewhere in Switzerland for a bit, but getting to and from there proved a little more difficult/time-consuming than we wanted to deal with. We landed on Paris. I had been to Paris with my aunt last time I was in Europe but always wanted to return, and Jonathan had never been. Before I kept going down the road of we could also go there, and there, and there... we booked our tickets: Rome>Florence>Paris>Dublin!

We landed in Rome Saturday morning. I had caught zero shuteye on the plane, Jonathan was maybe barely more rested than that. Regardless, we were still doing ok and decided to hit the city with my aunt after freshening up a bit at home. We knew we only had 48 hours in Rome, and although we had already visited all major landmarks, it's Rome! You have to go back and say hello to everything.

(My aunt says there is a legend that if a married woman walks up this staircase, she will have no problem becoming pregnant. If you're wondering, I didn't walk up the staircase this trip!)

We had dinner at the beach in Ostia that evening with my cousin's family. I had never met one of his daughters, so it was bittersweet to spend time with them all knowing we'd be saying bye again for an indefinite time in a matter of hours. Jonathan also enjoyed getting to speak a little bit more (who is a lousy Italian teacher? Oh yeah, this girl!) with my cousin who speaks impeccable English. We also tried to get the girls to speak some English with us to practice for school -- the little one learned "Hi, Jon" and "Bye, Jon" really fast : )

On Sunday, by our surprise, my aunt asked us if we felt like visiting the Vatican to be there when the Pope waves from his window. Umm... YES! We arrived to Vatican City around 10:30 to a crowd of people and found out that at noon, Pope Francis would be coming outside to deliver a message. While we waited, we strolled down to Castel Sant'Angelo and to Piazza Navona, one of our favorite spots in Rome. We made it back to Vatican City right before Pope Francis came out and gave a blessing to the crowd. It was world health day, so the blessing was focused on those in the medical profession. As Catholics, it's incredible to say we've been present for a blessing from the Pope and it's something I'll forever treasure. (Later in our trip I would come to realize that for all the planning I had done ahead of time, some of my favorite memories came from unplanned moments. Such is life, right?)

We enjoyed lunch at home with two of my cousins, and I got to meet my cousin's sweet daughter. I hope one day we get to see her together with our nephew -- what a fun time that would be!

In the evening we visited the beautiful overlook at the Gianicolo (Janiculum Hill) and attempted to revisit the Spanish Steps, which turned out to be closed for cleaning. In Rome, something is always getting a little freshening up! :) My cousin Silvia hosted us for a lovely dinner of lasagna, saltimbocca and two desserts (a fruit tart and a stracciatella semifredo that I dream of recreating).

Off to bed that night for a late morning train to Florence in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures.. It inspired me to also pursue my dream of going to Europe someday. I really enjoy reading all your entries. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences.
    vacation trip planner
